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Post-Care Instructions

Permanent make-up is a cosmetic technique that involves implanting pigments into the skin to create a lasting enhancement of your natural features. However, to ensure the best results and avoid any complications, it is important to follow some post care instructions after your procedure. In this page, you will find some useful tips and guidelines on how to take care of your permanent make-up and enjoy its benefits for a long time.

Ombre/Powder/Hybrid Brows

Day 1: Post Care

Gently pat with tissue throughout the day to absorb lymph. At the end of the day gently cleanse with antibacterial soap or sensitive skin cleanser. Pat dry and apply a thin layer of Aquaphor.

DO NOT pick or pull off scabs, let scabs fall off naturally. Absolutely no sweating for 10 days!

Day 2-10: Post Care

Gently rinse with cleanser in the morning and apply a thin layer of Aquaphor daily. If brows begin to feel too dry, please apply another thin layer of Aquaphor as needed. No submerging your brows in water, includes taking too long of a shower. Quickly rinse your face while in the shower.

Permanent Eyeliner

IMPORTANT: If disregarded of use will result in a painful procedure.

Discontinue any growth serum to the lashes 4 weeks prior to your procedure. Additionally lashes need to be removed 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

For the first 48 to 72 hours, do not use any ointment on eyes. 
After that, you can apply a thin layer of ointment twice a day, in the morning and evening, for the next 2
to 3 days. Use ointment sparingly on eyes, as they may be very sensitive. Apply the ointment only on the upper eyeliner, not on the lower eyelashes. Cool packs may be used to help reduce swelling, 10 minutes
on and 10 minutes off. Note: Swelling will greatly reduce after the second day.

Day 1: Post Care

Slight to heavy swelling. This depends on the amount of histamines in each client’s body. You may have bruising. You may appear as though you have been crying or have allergies. The eyeliner will appear thicker and darker than what it will heal to be.

No contact lenses for five days. No Visine.

Day 3-4: Post Care

Less swelling. The eyes will still feel tight and somewhat darker. The peeling process begins. Start ointment 48 to 24 hours. Some feeling of pinching and itching is quite normal.

Day 2: Post Care

The morning of day two, most likely the swelling will peak. Plan to use your cool packs! The darker and thicker eyeliner appears, and the area will feel tight
and tender.

Day 5-7: Post Care

More peeling occurs, do not pick or pull off, let scabs fall off naturally

Note: Dark outer color continues to flake off and you will see a softer, thinner eyeliner. Color may look ashy until the color clarifies, a second treatment is required. You can go back to wearing your contact lenses at the five.

Note: Wait 4 weeks before applying eyelashes or eyelash extensions, as well as using Latisse or any other like products. Keep in mind Latisse and other like products have been documented to lighten the tattoo colored on some occasions. 

No mascara for 72 hrs after the procedure. 
You can tip the lashes with the mascara, do not take it all the way to the skin until 10 days after the procedure.

It is recommended to buy a new tube of mascara to use after the procedure to reduce the risk of infection.

DO NOT USE oily makeup remover, baby oil, mineral oil or heavy creams, especially glycolics around the eyes.

Permanent Lips/Lip Lush

Please ensure that you begin any prescribed medications prior to the treatment and maintain their use if you are susceptible to cold sores or lip blisters. It’s crucial that you only apply the ointment that I provide for you, and refrain from using any other products. You can start applying this ointment right after the procedure and continue its use for a period of 7 to 14 days, applying it multiple times throughout the day.​

Day 1-2: Post Care

Healing process may begin as early as day 2. Continue to drink through a straw for the next
three days. Avoid salty, spicy or oily foods.

Day 4: Post Care

The peeling process will begin or continue from the third day onwards. To speed up the healing process, I recommend applying lip balm and sunscreen. If a touch-up is required, an eight-week healing period is the minimum length of time. As a result, you may experience an extended frosting stage and notice significant coloration by the seventh day.

Day 6: Post Care

You will begin to see a soft version of the color start to appear. Starts to really bloom from within more and more each day. The lips are starting to rehydrate allowing the color to show.

Day 3: Post Care

Swelling, tender, heavy thick and bright lipstick appears. You may experience discomfort in the lips.Peeling process may begin on this day

Day 5: Post Care

Very chapped lips. You are almost finished with the first chapping state (there are two during the healing process)

Day 7: Post Care

Lips may or may not disappear. They may appear to be frosty. This is the second chapping process. They may appear to be a grayish or whitish haze over the lips. This may continue for up to 13 days.

Note: You may see changes in your lip color based on your body’s temperature. Additional treatments may be required for lips. When your body is cold or you may see less color. When your body is warm or you may see more color, rider or more vibrant. The lips will start to peel all or most of the way by this day. The lips have gone without moisture directly on the lip tissue so they will feel very chapped. Keep moist with ointment at all times.

By day 30, the healing process is mostly complete, and the color you see can be considered your permanent lip color. It is normal for lips to remain dry for up to two months after the procedure. 

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